Jingxi Xu

On quest for machines that can learn 🤖🦾🦿

Jingxi Xu 许靖西

PhD Student, Department of Computer Science
Member, Robotic Manipulation and Mobility (ROAM) Lab
Columbia University

Member, Robotics and Embodied Artificial Intelligence (REAL) Lab
Stanford University

Google Scholar / GitHub / X (Twitter) / YouTube

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. in Computer Science at Columbia University, co-advised by Professor Matei Ciocarlie and Shuran Song. I received my bachelor’s degree from Edinburgh, with First Class Honours and Class Medal (overall grade ranks first in class), and I received an MS from Columbia, where I worked closely with Professor Peter Allen. I also spent some time as a research intern at Boston Dynamics AI Institute and as a visiting student at MIT (with Leslie Pack Kaelbling and Tomás Lozano-Pérez) and UPenn (with Dinesh Jayaraman and Nikolai Matni).

My research focuses are robotics, machine learning and healthcare. My most recent line of work [RA-L'24, IROS'24, ICRA'22] builds wearable assistive and rehabilitation robots that use machine learning to predict user intent from multimodal biosignals for people with disabilities. I also develop efficient exploration and manipulation policies with tactile sensing [arXiv'24, ICRA'23, RA-L'22]. At the same time, I am a multifaceted roboticist with research experience in a variety of applications such as dynamic grasping [CASE'24, IROS'21], visual navigation [IROS'20], motion planning [CoRL'20], optimal control [L4DC'21], and brain-computer interface [ICRA'20].


Retrieve burried objects with tactile sensors.
Generative AI for rehabilitation robots.
How to grasp moving objects?
Learning a tactile exploration policy.
Visual navigation.
Learning-based motion planning.



*: indicating equal contribution or alphabetic ordering. You can also check my Google Scholar profile.
(Co-)First-author papers are highlighted.




I am always interested in mentoring highly-motivated undergrads/masters. If you are at Columbia (preferred) and want to discuss project ideas/research opportunities, please feel free to shoot me an email.


Teaching assistant at Columbia University for:

